
Deep learning support for bioimaging projects - 3rd AI4Life Open CallAI4Life_Logo

Whether you're looking to improve your current workflows, get advice on training data, or learn about the best tools available for your work, this final call in the AI4Life series offers life scientists a unique opportunity to receive support for deep learning-enhanced image analysis. Any researcher in the life sciences working with image data and interested in exploring deep learning methods to enhance their analysis workflows.
Application deadline: December 10, 2024 (noon UTC)


AgroSERV 3rd Open Call

AGROSERV - ESF - Science ConnectWe invite all researchers from various sectors, including academia, industry, and practitioners, to explore AgroServ’s extensive Catalogue of Services to enhance their agroecology research projects using imaging and image data services. Users are invited to check the catalogue of services and engage with the facility managers at the infrastructures to prepare the proposals. Selected projects will receive funding for free access to integrated research infrastructure services & expertise.

Pre-proposals deadline : December 5


canSERV Open Call for Young Scientist

canSERV - Cutting Edge Cancer Research Services Across Europe

canSERV aims to facilitate cancer research projects by funding access to research infrastructure services, including at Euro-BioImaging Nodes. The most recent canSERV Open Call focuses on young scientists. Spread the word about this amazing opportunity to enhance research with advanced imaging technologies and expertise among young cancer researchers! Applications will be considered on a rolling basis so apply early before funds run out. Deadline: December 17 


canSERV Third Open Call for "Revolutionising Cancer Patient Care" 

canSERV - Cutting Edge Cancer Research Services Across Europe

As part of the EU Cancer Mission, canSERV strives to accelerate oncology research to foster precision medicine for the benefit of patients across Europe. To this end, a budget of 600.000€ has been allocated for a new Challenge-driven Call for Service Provision “Revolutionising Cancer Patient Care: Innovative Approaches to Research and Clinical Trials for improving Treatment Outcomes”.  Projects submitted to this call should focus on either:  i) Tailoring research to address the different age groups, paediatric patients, and elderly patients, to ensure optimal treatment outcomes across diverse populations. ii) Designing and developing improved clinical trials to address diverse populations and expanding the scope to incorporate broader representation of patients from the EU, including efforts to match control groups, thus advancing trial efficiency and equity in treatment access. For more information and the call text, please visit our CanSERV project website.


canSERV - Cutting Edge Cancer Research Services Across Europe

canSERV Second Open Call for Cancer Research Service Provision

canSERV Invites Cancer Researchers to Apply for Free State of the Art Research Services and Training in a Second Open Call for Service Provision. Researchers from academia, industry and SMEs may apply for several services including: i) disease models, ii) cutting-edge imaging and structural biology technologies, iii) biomarker research and development, iv) new therapeutic solutions, v) complex clinical trial design and support, vi) personalised oncology implementation pipelines and recommendations and vii) regulatory support and tools to analyse the socioeconomic dimension of research activities.   Submission deadline: 21 May 2024, 2pm CEST.  The applications will be reviewed by an international, independent review panel! For more information and the call text, please visit our CanSERV project website.


All Hands Nodes Meeting in Torino - April 17-19, 2024

The next All Hands Nodes Meeting will be held in Torino, Italy, from April 17-19, 2024. The agenda is packed with fantastic opportunities to get to know more about the Euro-BioImaging family with joint Node/Euro-BioImaging Industry Board sessions on correlative imaging, disease models and multidimensional imaging, plus other presentations and poster sessions from Nodes. Find more info here Register and submit your abstract hereA satellite Workshop on Health Data platforms for AI-driven discovery, in collaboration with the EUCAIM project, will also take place ahead of the meeting, on Tuesday, April 16, in the afternoon. 


First call in canSERV is now open - October 12, 2023 

canSERV - Cutting Edge Cancer Research Services Across Europe

All user projects - ranging from basic discovery science to translational science and into personalised oncology - will be eligible for this call.
The total indicative funding volume of this first call is 1 Million Euro across the canSERV consortiumResearchers interested in accessing one or more of the >400 services available through canSERV, including Euro-BioImaging services, will be able to submit proposals until January 4th, 2024, 14:00 CESTThe full call text, including user guidelines and other useful information, and the canSERV catalog of services are linked here and can be accessed via


AgroSERV: First Call for Proposals is officially open - September 26, 2023

AgroServ is a transdisciplinary project (2022-2027) funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe programme. Network logoIt supports the agroecology research community by funding interdisciplinary agroecology research projects towards sustainable and resilient agri-food systems exploring topics in plant biology, in interaction with water, soil, and microorganisms. The first call is open to researchers who want to access the 200+ services offered by the AgroServ consortium which you can find in the catalog of services. 


Webinar on Data Management of Preclinical Image Datasets - June 15, 2023 9:30-12:30 (CEST)

The webinar will provide an overview of the XNAT imaging platform and of the XNAT-PIC software developed by the EuroBioImaging Med-Hub for preclinical images. The aim is to show tools and approaches for the storage, annotation and processing of preclinical image datasets and how to make image datasets FAIR.

For more information and registration:                                         


User access funding for infectious diseases research available through the ISIDORe project.

ISIDORe is a Horizon Europe funded project that brings together 154 partners from 32 countries around the world, and is designed to effectively support research on infectious diseases and increase preparedness for pandemic. 

The MMMI Node provides biomedical in vivo imaging services within this call. If you have a project dealing with one of the following topics contact us or read more on the Euro-BioImaging ISIDORe web page.



The MMMI Node's services can be included in the PRIN 2022 proposals.

In vista della prossima scadenza dei progetti PRIN, nel cui bando si menziona l’intendimento a incoraggiare il ricorso alle infrastrutture di ricerca, il Nodo MMMI garantisce l’accesso al suo portafoglio di servizi di imaging multimodale molecolare in vivo.

Qualora si intendesse usufruire di tali servizi nell’ambito di un progetto PRIN, e’ stata approntata la seguente frase da inserire nella sezione B.1.3 (Articolazione del progetto, con individuazione del ruolo delle singole unità operative, e relative modalità di integrazione e collaborazione) del progetto:

This project will leverage the preclinical and medical imaging facilities provided by the MultiModal Molecular Imaging Italian Node (MMMI) of Euro-BioImaging ERIC, the European Research Infrastructure providing access to biological and biomedical imaging technologies, training and data services. Access to the Euro-BioImaging infrastructure will be exploited to carry out …….. (indicare le specifiche tecnologie di imaging e i servizi correlati che verranno usati).

Coloro che intendessero menzionare nel progetto la possibilità di utilizzare l’infrastruttura Euro-BioImaging sono invitati ad inviare una nota con il testo che si intende inserire (al momento della sottomissione del progetto) al prof. Enzo Terreno (; Coordinatore del Nodo MMMI). Per informazioni sui servizi fruibili si rimanda alla descrizione presente su questo sito sotto la voce "Technologies and services", o e’ possibile scrivere all’indirizzo

Segnaliamo che in questa fase non è necessario produrre preventivi di spesa puntuali, in quanto potrebbero subire cambiamenti significativi qualora il servizio si rendesse necessario a seguito dell’approvazione del progetto. È importante tuttavia valorizzare la voce “costi per uso di infrastrutture” (Voce D: costo dei servizi di consulenza e simili) con un importo stimato sulla base di richieste già rivolte a provider commerciali o di consultazione diretta con il Nodo.


Euro-BioImaging virtual pub


Meet online with Euro-BioImaging Node staff and Friends in virtual meetings about topics of interest for the imaging community every Friday at 13:00 CET. For more information please visit EuBI Virtual Pub.



Nov. 6th, 2019 - Euro-BioImaging ERIC officially established

Euro-BioImaging has been officially established by the European Commission as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). With its ERIC status, Euro-BioImaging is now legally recognised as European research infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging.

Euro-BioImaging will ensure excellent research and development across the life sciences in Europe by offering state-of-the-art imaging services through its internationally renowned facilities, called Nodes. These Nodes are distributed across its 15 founding members: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, EMBL, Finland, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the UK. Belgium will participate as an observer.
All Euro-BioImaging services are accessible via
Establishment of the Euro-BioImaging ERIC builds on over 10 years of preparatory work with active engagement of 25 national imaging communities, the international organisation EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory), and EIBIR (European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research.


Euro-BioImaging Image Competition "Research. Captured."

“Research. Captured” is an image and video competition just launched by Euro-BioImaging, designed to publicise scientific artwork:  the beauty of life that  research in the imaging field  has uncovered in cells, tissues, plants and living beings! Participants can submit up to three images in three different categories (Biological images,  Biomedical images, Videos). A Go-Pro camera will go to the best images for the the three categories. Deadline for submissions is the 31st of January, 2018.



Sept. 29th, 2017 - Visit of the Carnegie Group delegation to the Turin Site.

The Carnegie group is an international organism that gathers ministries and top level ministry personel of the most advanced countries. The Carnegie meeting on September 2017 was one of the most important events organized around the G7 Science in Torino. On that occasion, the Carnegie Group delegation (representatives from Japan, Canada, South Africa, etc. were present) visited the Node laboratories in Colleretto Giacosa (University of Torino).

Prof. Aime presented Euro-BioImaging and the Global BioImaging project to the delegation.








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