MRI/MRS Instruments

  Bruker Avance 7T equipped for µ-Imaging

The Avance 7T NMR spectrometer provides a wide-bore superconducting magnet operating at 7 T, with active shielding UltraShieldTM technology. It is equipped with several dedicated micro-MRI probes for high resolution imaging and spectroscopy of in-vitro samples and mice. Breath- and hearth-rate gating available. 
Also tunable for 19F and 13C.

Available at the Center for Molecular Imaging, University of Torino, and at the IFC-CNR / FTGM in Pisa.

MRI and MRS protocols available at the University of Torino include: T1, T2, DWI, CSI, DCE-MRI, CEST-MRI, single voxel spectroscopy and spectroscopy imaging.

In Pisa, the application packages include Cardio, diffusion (DWI protocols), angiography (DCE-MRI protocols), perfusion ASL, fast echo time (UTE/ZTE protocols), relaxation (T1 and T2), single voxel spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging.


  Bruker PharmaScan 7T

MRI and MRS routine system for protons, optimized for small rodents, with a 16 cm bore and Motorized, software controlled animal positioning system and self gated steady-state cardiac imaging package.
Also tunable for 13C.

Available at the Centre for Pre-Clinical Imaging of the University of Torino, Bioindustry Park S. Fumero, Colleretto Giacosa (Torino).




Bruker BioSpec 3T

With a magnet bore of 18 cm,  and the motorized animal handling system, the Bruker Biospec scanner is suitable to study mice, rats and small rabbits.
Also tunable for 13C.

Available at the Centre for Pre-Clinical Imaging of the University of Torino, Bioindustry Park S. Fumero, Colleretto Giacosa (Torino).




Bruker ICON MRI 1T

Permanent, cryogen-free magnet bench-top MRI system for low field molecular and preclinical (mice, small rats) MRI as well as for in vitro/ex vivo studies.
Particularly suitable for MRI agents with high T1 contrast at intermediate field (e.g. Gd-based agents interacting with macromolecules or nanosized agents). 
Available imaging protocols: routine MRI protocols (T1, T2, DWI), DCE-MRI, CEST-MRI.

Available at the  Centre for Pre-Clinical Imaging of the University of Torino, Bioindustry Park S. Fumero, Colleretto Giacosa (Torino).


Aspect M2 1T and Aspect M2 1T Compact

The Aspect M2 scanner is a compact 1 Tesla micro MRI system used for a broad range of in vivo small animal (rodent) applications and ex vivo studies, which allows anatomical, morphological and molecular 2D and 3D imaging, with resolution as low as 100µm. It is equipped with isoflurane anesthesia and monitoring system enabling  respiratory gating and a variety of coils designated for head and whole body rat and mouse imaging.
One of the two Aspect M2 scanners is located inside the animal house, and is dedicated to immunecompromised mice.
Available imaging protocols: routine MRI protocols (T1, T2, DWI, CSI), DCE-MRI, CEST-MRI.
Also tunable for  13C.

Available at the Center for Molecular Imaging, University of Torino.


GE Healtcare Signa HDX 3T, release 16

This MRI system allows 3 T whole-body imaging for clinical applications and for studies in large animals. It includes a Brain coil (8 channel phase array) and a Cardio Coil (8 and 32 channel phase array). The scanner provides multi nuclei technology for low gamma nuclei such as 13C, 23Na and 31P.

Dedicated RF coils for 1H, 13C and 23Na, both commercial and developed in-house, are also available, including RF coils for small animal studies to be integrated with the clinical scanner.

Available at the G. Monasterio Foundation, Pisa.



GE Healtcare Artist 1.5T

Available at IFC-CNR , Pisa.


Ge Healtcare Signa EXCITE 3T

Available at IFC-CNR, Pisa.


Bruker Biospec 7T

7T 30 cm bore  preclinical scanner equipped with both body and neuro coils.

Available at the S. Raffaele Hospital, Milan.



Bruker Biospec 9.4T

This is a 9.4T superconducting scanner that can accommodate small laboratory animals. CryoProbe technology, together with ultra high field magnet deliver high spatial resolution in vivo enabling to come closer to the molecular and cellular level.

Available at the Institute of Biostructures and BioImages of CNR - Naples.


Philips Healthcare DStream 3T

The Philips DStream 3T with MultiTransmit parallel RF transmission technology reduces dielectric shading to provide superb image uniformity, consistency, and fast scanning, opening the way to new 3T MRI studies of breast & body.

Available at SDN IRCCS - Naples.





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