MRI/MRS Instruments
Bruker Avance 7T equipped for µ-Imaging
Available at the Center for Molecular Imaging, University of Torino, and at the IFC-CNR / FTGM in Pisa.
MRI and MRS protocols available at the University of Torino include: T1, T2, DWI, CSI, DCE-MRI, CEST-MRI, single voxel spectroscopy and spectroscopy imaging.
In Pisa, the application packages include Cardio, diffusion (DWI protocols), angiography (DCE-MRI protocols), perfusion ASL, fast echo time (UTE/ZTE protocols), relaxation (T1 and T2), single voxel spectroscopy and spectroscopic imaging.
Bruker PharmaScan 7T
Available at the Centre for Pre-Clinical Imaging of the University of Torino, Bioindustry Park S. Fumero, Colleretto Giacosa (Torino).
Bruker BioSpec 3T

Available at the Centre for Pre-Clinical Imaging of the University of Torino, Bioindustry Park S. Fumero, Colleretto Giacosa (Torino).
Bruker ICON MRI 1T
Available at the Centre for Pre-Clinical Imaging of the University of Torino, Bioindustry Park S. Fumero, Colleretto Giacosa (Torino).
Aspect M2 1T and Aspect M2 1T Compact

Available at the Center for Molecular Imaging, University of Torino.
GE Healtcare Signa HDX 3T, release 16
This MRI system allows 3 T whole-body imaging for clinical applications and for studies in large animals. It includes a Brain coil (8 channel phase array) and a Cardio Coil (8 and 32 channel phase array). The scanner provides multi nuclei technology for low gamma nuclei such as 13C, 23Na and 31P.
Dedicated RF coils for 1H, 13C and 23Na, both commercial and developed in-house, are also available, including RF coils for small animal studies to be integrated with the clinical scanner.
Available at the G. Monasterio Foundation, Pisa.
GE Healtcare Artist 1.5T
Available at IFC-CNR , Pisa.
Ge Healtcare Signa EXCITE 3T
Available at IFC-CNR, Pisa.
Bruker Biospec 7T
7T 30 cm bore preclinical scanner equipped with both body and neuro coils.
Available at the S. Raffaele Hospital, Milan.
Bruker Biospec 9.4T
This is a 9.4T superconducting scanner that can accommodate small laboratory animals. CryoProbe technology, together with ultra high field magnet deliver high spatial resolution in vivo enabling to come closer to the molecular and cellular level.
Available at the Institute of Biostructures and BioImages of CNR - Naples.
Philips Healthcare DStream 3T
The Philips DStream 3T with MultiTransmit parallel RF transmission technology reduces dielectric shading to provide superb image uniformity, consistency, and fast scanning, opening the way to new 3T MRI studies of breast & body.
Available at SDN IRCCS - Naples.