PET/CT: GE Healtcare Discovery IQ

Available at IRCCS-SDN, Naples.
PET/CT: GE Healtcare Discovery 710

Available at IRCCS-SDN, Naples.
PET/CT: PHILIPS Healtcare Gemini TF 64T
Philips GEMINI TF, beside increasing diagnostic confidence of oncological routine studies with FDG, ensures a high speed of acquisition of PET and CT. This allows advanced applications such as pulmonary gating, cardiac studies and molecular imaging.
Available at IRCCS-SDN, Naples.
PET/CT: GE Healtcare Discovery RX VCT
A 64-slice PET/CT system which combines the high-speed, high-resolution capabilities of GE's volumetric CT with the metabolic and physiologic capabilities of its industry leading PET system. Particularly suitable for cardiovascular studies. Axial fov, mm 157; CT temporal resolution of 0.25 sec; PET spatial resolution of 5.8 mm FWHM.
For big animals and human studies.
Available at G.Monsaterio Foundation, Pisa.
PET/CT: Inviscan IRIS
The IRIS scanner is dedicated to in-vivo preclinical research on small animals such as mice and rats.
Available at IFC-CNR, Pisa.
PET/CT: GE Healthcare eXplore Vista
The eXplore Vista PET/CT system for small animal imaging utilizes the latest phoswich detector technology, with a dual layer detector comprising LYSO and GSO, which allows improved radial resolution uniformity. It offers and integrated workflow with automatic fusion of images and data sets. PET and/or CT can also be used as stand-alone modalities.
Available at IBB-CNR, Naples.
SPECT/CT: GE Healtcare Discovery NM 530c
This system is equipped qith: Cardiac gammacamera with Alcyone technology (Solid-state CZT detectors ); Multi pin-hole Focused collimators; List mode dynamic acquisition; High spatial resolution; High sensitivity; 3D reconstruction
For animal and human studies.
Available at G.Monsaterio Foundation, Pisa.
PET/SPECT/CT: GE Healtcare Triumph

Available at the Center for Preclinical Imaging in Colleretto Giacosa.