PET/CT: GE Healtcare Discovery IQ

Discovery IQ by GE is a Top-Gamma model among PET/CT instruments in the world. It has an incredible coherence of quantification, linked to high quality CT diagnostic images.
IQ is a TOF system with significant dose reduction.
For animal and human studies.

Available at IRCCS-SDN, Naples.


PET/CT: GE Healtcare Discovery 710

Discovery 710 is a milestone in the world of PET/CT. This equipment ensures accuracy in quantitative diagnosis linked to a high-speed acquisition and a low dosage.
For animal and human studies.

Available at IRCCS-SDN, Naples.


PET/CT: PHILIPS Healtcare Gemini TF 64T

Philips GEMINI TF, beside increasing diagnostic confidence of oncological routine studies with FDG, ensures a high speed of acquisition of PET and CT. This allows advanced applications such as pulmonary gating, cardiac studies and molecular imaging.

Available at IRCCS-SDN, Naples.


PET/CT: GE Healtcare Discovery RX VCT

A 64-slice PET/CT system which combines the high-speed, high-resolution capabilities of GE's volumetric CT with the metabolic and physiologic capabilities of its industry leading PET system. Particularly suitable for cardiovascular studies. Axial fov, mm 157; CT temporal resolution of  0.25 sec; PET spatial resolution of 5.8 mm FWHM.

For big animals and human studies.

Available at G.Monsaterio Foundation, Pisa.


PET/CT: Inviscan IRIS

The IRIS scanner is dedicated to in-vivo preclinical research on small animals such as mice and rats.

Available at IFC-CNR, Pisa.


PET/CT: GE Healthcare eXplore Vista

The eXplore Vista PET/CT system for small animal imaging utilizes the latest phoswich detector technology, with a dual layer detector comprising LYSO and GSO, which allows improved radial resolution uniformity. It offers and integrated workflow with automatic fusion of images and data sets. PET and/or CT can also be used as stand-alone modalities.

Available at IBB-CNR, Naples.


SPECT/CT: GE Healtcare Discovery NM 530c

This system is equipped qith: Cardiac gammacamera with Alcyone technology (Solid-state CZT detectors ); Multi pin-hole Focused collimators; List mode dynamic acquisition; High spatial resolution; High sensitivity; 3D reconstruction

For animal and human studies.

Available at G.Monsaterio Foundation, Pisa.


PET/SPECT/CT: GE Healtcare Triumph

This preclinical system is a fully integrated molecular imaging system PET/SPEC/CT for biomedical research and pharmaceutical development. Equipment providing high quality images and data for optimal resolution, contrast, noise-to-image quality and accurate 3D rendering with minimal x-ray dose.
CT detector with 120x120 mm of active area and 50 μm of pixel size; PET detector with an axial field of view (FOV) of 11.8 cm and a inner ring diameter of 16.5 cm; the SPECT gamma camera provides a total of 80x80 pixel array within the FOV of 12.7x12.7 cm.
The system is designed to hold up to four identical high–resolution, small FOV gamma camera heads, each equipped with interchangeable pinhole or parallel hole collimators.

Available at the Center for Preclinical Imaging in Colleretto Giacosa.



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